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I'm New Here (FAQ)

We're a friendly group who wants to get to know you and love you, but we know that coming to church for the first time can be a nervous experience. If you've never been to church before, haven't gone for a long time, or simply haven't been to our church before, here's a list of commonly asked questions. (If your question isn't answered here, contact us and we'll be happy to help!)


Do I need an invitation to attend?

Not at all! Our doors are open to anyone who wants to come in. You don't need to be a member of the church (or of any church or denomination). We are happy to see you and look forward to becoming your new friends! We have people from many different traditions attending and all are welcome. 


Is there parking?

We have a parking lot outside the church and when that fills up we can park down 7th line. If you have special needs, please contact us and we'll make sure you are taken care of. 


Is there elevator access?

We have a ramp that leads to the main sanctuary, but unfortunately, the washrooms are up a flight of stairs in the fellowship hall. We apologize for any inconvenience.


How long are your services? 

Our main service starts at 10:00am and usually lasts about 75 minutes, ending at 11:15am.  After the service everyone is invited upstairs for coffee, tea and a snack. We don't rush people out and most weeks there are folks hanging out until 1pm. 


What are your services like?

Our services seek to inspire and equip people to share the love of Jesus through biblical teaching and loving relationships. We do this through reading scripture, singing songs together, praying, and then listening to a talk based on a passage of the Bible (called a "sermon"). We are a small, multi-generational church, that sings a mix of traditional hymns and modern worship songs using guitars and piano.


What should I wear?

Our church doesn't have a dress code and encourages you to come in whatever makes you feel most comfortable. You will see people dressed up in suits and jackets and others in jeans and a t-shirt. What you wear isn't the point of coming to church, worshipping and encountering God is!


Can I bring my coffee in?

Sure! You'll find a few people with to-go cups and thermal mugs there with you.


What is a "bulletin"?

When you arrive you will receive what we call a "Sunday Bulletin" which is simply a program (like what you would receive at a play or a concert). It tells you what will happen during the service and gives special announcements for people who want to know more about what's happening. 


Do I need to bring a Bible?

You don't have to, but we do encourage everyone to read along and make notes during the sermon. We have Bible's available in the pews to read while you are in the service and are happy to give you a free Bible if you need one. The Bible verses are usually projected onto the screen during the sermon.


Do you have hearing assistance?

We don't have an FM transmitter, but we do have a few people in the church that have challenges with their hearing so we try to make sure that the sound system is turned up to help them. If you need more help hearing, let us know and we'll see what we can do.


What do you have available for children?

Jesus loves your kids and so do we! We are honoured to care for and teach your child the basics of the Christian faith. On Sunday mornings we have provided a supervised nursery with toys, comfortable chairs, a change table and an audio-link so parents of preschoolers can take care of their babies without missing the service. We invite children from JK to Grade 5 to begin Sunday service with their families and then, before the sermon starts, they are invited up to the front to pray before they go with their teacher to Children's Church. Older children are invited to stay for the whole Sunday service. Teens are also invited to come to Overtime and join the Small Groups and Youth Group


Do I need to bring money?

Each Sunday we collect "tithes and offerings", which is money we voluntarily give in obedience to God and in support of our local church and ministries throughout the world.  As a guest, there is no expectation of donations.  Just enjoy what we can offer you--a place to connect with other believers, to share in worshipping Jesus Christ our Saviour, and to enjoy worship music and relevant speakers helping us navigate in today's world.


What is a "sermon"?

A sermon is a message the pastor gives to link scripture from the Bible to our life experience in our modern world. It's talk that makes timeless truths relevant to our daily living.


What is "Communion"?

We celebrate Communion (also called "The Lord's Supper" or "The Eucharist") on the first Sunday of every month and occasionally throughout the year on special occasions. It is an ancient celebration that Jesus instituted on the eve of his death and an important part of Christian worship. It causes us to remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and look forward to His future return. 

During communion, everyone stays seated as the Pastor and Elders lead the congregation through a time of prayer and reflection and then pass out the small pieces of bread and cups of grape juice. Participation is voluntary for all Christian believers, adults or children. You do not need to be a member. Here is a good article if you'd like to learn more.


What denomination are you associated with?

We are a member of the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec.





277 Tennyson Road

Carleton Place, ON

K7C 3P2

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